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Saturday, November 14, 2015

She Left Me

She left me. It's over. She said that I don't listen. That talking to me is like taking to a blank screen and there's no user interface between us. She said that I'm a grown man and I can do what I want, but she's not going to sit back and watch while I make self destructive choices.
One little slip. That's all. And I couldn't even enjoy it because I was thinking of her the entire time. But did that matter to her?
All it was, was one little trip to McDonald's. Ok, sure, I had a large Coke. But I only got one refill. I had small fries instead of large and a McDouble. That's like 23 grams of protein!
And did that matter to her? No! Does she listen to me? Never. My Fitness Pal thinks she knows everything, but does she ever consider what I'm going through? Or what it is like living my life?
She can't or won't. But what does it matter now? She packed up her nutritional charts, uninstalled herself and just left.
So, here I am on the couch with a bag of Cheetos thinking of better days. How we used to do food and exercise logs together. How she'd leave inspirational notes on my timeline. I think I want her back, but maybe this is for the best. Because I sit here and my mind wanders to her beautiful pie charts and I just know this thing between us was destined to fail.

1 comment:

  1. Excellent as always. You're a talented guy. Don't worry, she wasn't good enough for you, anyway.
