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Saturday, June 7, 2014

Dusty Weed Whacker Goes for a Ride

I don’t really make yard work a priority. I just don’t. It gets 

done when it gets done. Something always comes up that 

takes precedence. Baseball games, work, sleep, laundry, 

house cleaning. You name it. Weather can throw a wrench in 

the works. You can’t cut if there is too much rain. You can’t 

cut if the long grass isn't dry enough. And don’t get me 

started on leaves. Whatever the issue, winter or nature will 

just take care of it eventually.

My neighbor on the other hand is a lawn person. Her yard 

always looks good. Not that there is anything wrong with 

that. There are all sorts of people in the world with all sorts 

of lifestyles. No one is any better than the other. You got

 Baptists and Catholics, liberals and conservatives, and even 

Coke people and Pepsi people. She’s a lawn person.  Her 

lawn is a wide open, plush, green landscape. Beautiful.

Today, work gloves we on the hands on this side of the fence.

 Oh, we were out in force.

Four people mowing, weed pulling, branch lopping, and 

weed whacking our way through the jungle that was our 

yard. We looked Yard Crashers on energy drinks and coffee.

Sadly, our neighbor is moving soon. I don’t know if she saw

us, but I think she would be proud. She keeps a groomed 

yard, but I don’t think she thinks less of ours. She is too nice 

to say anything like that. She might say, "Just so you know, I saw a mountain lion hiding in the tall grass near the fence." She probably doesn't even care. 

Maybe she thinks that her yard looks better next to ours.


But part of me thinks she saw us out there working and 


 “Ten years as neighbors and they finally put that damn week

 whacker to use.” 

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