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Thursday, October 10, 2013

Don't Wait

There is this album released in 1965 by Herb Alpert and the Tijuana Brass. The cover has a woman who would appear to be wearing nothing but an outfit made entirely of a tasty white dairy topping. Whipped Cream and Other Delights was the title. My sister insists that we had the album at home growing up, but I don’t remember it. And this isn’t an album cover a young boy would forget.
I have a friend that I worked with who first told me about the album. Her dad was a fan of Herb Alpert and as a kid and she always thought this cover was funny to look at. That was probably two years ago. We don’t even work in the same building anymore.  
I came across Whipped Cream and Other Delights at the thrift store a while back. The cover and the disk were both in pretty good shape. I paid a whopping 99¢ for the album. I thought of my friend and that this little reminder of her childhood might be a nice, albeit small gift. Maybe I’d give it to her for Christmas or her birthday or something. Whenever. I couldn’t decide, so I stuck it on a shelf to worry about at some later date.
So, skip forward from that to last week. A different friend who works with me now had a particularly rough day. She was literally betrayed by someone who had been a friend. For no fathomable reason this person acted in a most callous and disgusting way. It really hurt her, and those of us around her, her friends, did what we could to be supportive. Sometimes there isn’t much you can do, but you do what you can to take away or minimize the hurt.
That incident made me think about my friend of the Whipped Cream and Other Delights. I got the record off the shelf, wrapped it, and found a way to get it over to the school where she works now. It just might make her day.
I could have waited until Christmas, but I got to thinking, if I have a way to make someone I care about smile or make them happy, then why wait?
They might really need that smile right now.

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