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Tuesday, April 1, 2014

The Kids are Alright

Music is one of my ‘things’. I listen to music as often as possible. Without question there will be music going when I drive, work, or run. Just about all the time. The music that I prefer, naturally is MY music. It is predominately the music I grew up with. My idea of new music is hearing a song on the classic rock station that had been long lost and I'm inspired to dig an old cd out of the attic. The familiarity, the style, and the sounds of that music speak to me. They sooth me and they fire my passion. This is the soundtrack of my life, the sounds of my youth, and the sounds that put me at ease as I age and move on to unfamiliar worlds.  

One morning I found myself driving I-90 West with tired eyes and Hotel California came on the radio. That long mystical guitar intro to The Eagles’ Hotel California was the perfect ambiance as I’m watching the sunrise in my rear view mirror. On the way home later that night, tired eyes on the other side, The Eagles came to me again with Take it to the Limit. These melodies & arrangements framed these moments perfectly while echoing so many other moments. They were there when I was an 8 year old sitting on the vinyl back seats in my parents old LTD with the window down and hot summer air blowing in my face. They were a part of my high school transition to California and followed me to Texas, Germany, South Carolina, and New York, back to California, and to New York again. It is these sounds, and others that do the mental stirring of my memories whipping up all the big moments, the mundane moments, every single road trip, every run, and every feeling in which songs and others like them played a part. My life.

I can be open. I pick up some new sounds here and there. They tend to come from my kids, students, or various sources unknown to me.  Some Train, Katy Perry, & even a taste of One Direction have penetrated the sanctity of my playlist. That is how I found myself listening to International by Pitbull and Chris Brown. I allowed Zachary to choose the radio station and all I could think is, "This is what my kids are growing up with? Total crap." But hope is not lost.

If Zachary's iPod music queue was a salad, 'my' music would certainly be the lettuce. Definitely the base and making a solid presence. Madeline heard Tainted Love on the radio recently and blew a gasket. "Who is this? Can we get it on iTunes?" The girl could not believe it was an 'old' song. She has also developed a love for the song Breakfast at Tiffany's.  

Honestly, that has a lot to do with her adoration of Audrey Hepburn and her trademark black dress & pearls from the movie of the same name. But a good choice, nonetheless. 

Thomas also scores major points in his love for The Beatles. My favorite is his favorite, but his interest does seem to be genuine. He's become skilled at identifying lead vocalists by their voice. Then the other day, over lunch at Panera, Thomas initiated a game of Beatle trivia and 'what is your favorite..'  I asked him what would be his favorite album cover. He took a spoonful of his mac and cheese, his eyes rolled up and to the right as he pondered the question. "Revolver. Definitely Revolver." Good answer, grasshopper! And I didn't even know that he knew that. (His favorite albums are Help! and Rubber Soul, so I was certain he'd go with one of those). 

So, I think musically, they'll be alright. Each of those kids has brought new music to me. Jen & I have made sure that they appreciate the old stuff the same way my parents' Leon Redbone, Leon Russell, and Crosby, Stills, & Nash have solidified their presence in my mental (and physical) playlist. 

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